Synopsis: Raizo(Rain) is one of the finest and the deadliest assassin who was raised by his mentor Lord Ozuno (Sho Kosugi) of the Ozunu Clan. He was an orphan and was taken from the street and trained to be a merciless killer. Kiriko (Kylie Goldstein), one of Raizo's friend in the clan becomes disenchanted of the Clan's routine, and decided to leave. She was than then labeled as a traitor and was hunted, later she was caught and was excuted in the front of Raizo. This event triggers him(raizo) to also escape/abandon the clan and later waited for the right moment to do his revenge.
Length: 1 hr. 46 min.
Genre: Action/Adventure
Distributed by: Warner Bros. Pictures Distribution
Starring: Rain, Naomie Harris, Ben Miles, Rick Yune
Directed by: James McTeigue